

domingo, 14 de agosto de 2011

Dämmerfarben – Im Abendrot [2011]

Country: Germany
Genre: Doom/Black Metal/Acoustic
Format: mp3 | 260kbps
Size: 105 Mb

01 Wandernd
02 Nebel und Regen
03 Graues Land
04 Oktobersturm
05 Einsamkeit
06 Regen in der D mmerung
07 Im Abendrot
08 Nachtgedanken
09 Hinaus in die Nacht

File size:105.16 MB

viernes, 12 de agosto de 2011

Negative Plane – Stained Glass Revelations [2011]

Country: USA
Genre: Black Metal
Format: mp3 | 256kbps
Size: 116 Mb


1. The Fall

2. Lamentations & Ashes

3. Angels of Veiled Bone

4. The Third Hour

5. The One and the Many

6. Charnel Spirit

7. All Souls

8. The Number of the Word

9. Stained Glass Reflections

File size:116.97 MB

Negative Plane – Stained Glass Revelations

miércoles, 10 de agosto de 2011

Waldgeflüster – Femundsmarka – Eine Reise in drei Kapiteln [2011]

Country: Germany
Genre: Black Metal
Format: mp3 | 275kbps
Size: 103 Mb


1. Prolog: Aufbruch

2. Kapitel I: Seenland

3. Interludium I: Rast

4. Kapitel II: Steinwüsten

5. Interludium II: Nacht

6. Kapitel III: Fichtenhain

7. Epilog: Heimkehr

File size:103.18 MB

Waldgeflüster - Kapitel I: Seenland

martes, 9 de agosto de 2011

Ava Inferi – Onyx [2011]

Country: Portugal
Genre: Gothic/Doom Metal
Format: mp3 | 320kbps
Size: 105 Mb


1. Onyx

2. The Living End

3. A Portal

4. ((Ghostlights))

5. Majesty

6. The Heathen Island

7. By Candlelight & Mirrors

8. Venice (in Fog)

File size:105.87 MB

Ava Inferi - Majesty

Gallowbraid – Ashen Eidolon (EP) [2010]

Country: USA
Genre:Black/Doom/Folk Metal
Format: mp3 | 256kbps
Size: 51 Mb


1. Ashen Eidolon

2. Autumn I

3. Oaken Halls of Sorrow

4. Autumn II

File size:51.73 MB

Gallowbraid – Ashen Eidolon

Loss – Despond [2011]

Country: USA
Genre:Death/Doom Metal
Format: mp3 | VBR V0
Size: 122 Mb


1. Weathering the Blight

2. Open Veins to a Curtain Closed

3. Cut Up, Depressed and Alone

4. Deprived of the Void

5. An Ill Body Seats My Sinking Sight

6. Despond

7. Shallow Pulse

8. Conceptual Funeralism Unto the Final Act (of Being)

9. Silent and Completely Overcome

10. The Irreparable Act

File size:122.40 MB

Loss - Open Veins to a Curtain Closed